Orthodontic Treatment

Most residents of Toronto are anxious to get through braces or Invisalign treatment and show off their new straight, healthy smile with confidence. Orthodontic offices across the country, like City Orthodontics, are offering two ways to get you that new smile you’ve always wanted, and fast.

Both use the same quality, contemporary equipment, and the same expert doctors to administer these accelerated treatments. And, both treatment options and equipment are FDA approved.

AcceleDent Aura Treatment

If you’re looking for a way you can help yourself move closer to that straight smile more quickly, AcceleDent is your answer. The AcceleDent Aura device uses SoftPulse Technology to vibrate your teeth in line. The device has the look and feels of a sports mouthguard. Used for about 20 minutes a day, doctors say it can cut your time in braces or Invisalign trays by HALF.

The vibration of the hands-free Aura stimulates the blood flow around your tooth and encourages the remodeling process in your teeth.

The shortened amount of time in braces not only gets you sporting your beautiful smile faster, but it also helps lessen the chance of tooth decay or calcifications you can get around braces when they are on for a long time. The AcceleDent Aura Treatment is fast, safe, and gentle:

  • Can speed up the movement of your teeth by up to 50 percent
  • Administer treatment yourself with the hands-free device while doing anything – reading, watching TV, doing homework
  • Safe and ready to use for adolescents, teens, and adults
  • Cleared by the FDA, with no reports of risks
  • Micropulse used are gentle and project less force than the average electric toothbrush
  • Lightweight and comfortable to use
  • Potential to improve your orthodontic experience

Propel Treatment

Propel is an advanced orthodontic technique that is performed by your skilled doctors at City Orthodontics. It is the latest and most innovative accelerated treatment option available to patients.

This treatment is usually performed once or twice during your orthodontic treatment time in our convenient Toronto office. While you are under local anesthesia, Drs. Kimos or Dayan will use a special tool to insert one to three micro-osteoperforation into each of your teeth that need to move. The doctors will select an appropriate depth for the perforation.

These perforations will stimulate the bone surrounding your teeth and help them move faster and where you want. It is sometimes used to help move a particularly stubborn or way out-of-line tooth. This exciting treatment also works with both braces or Invisalign aligners to turn treatment from years to months!

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!

At City Orthodontics, we understand that these advanced accelerated orthodontic treatments are relatively new to the residents of Toronto. That’s why we offer a free consultation to help explain how these treatments might work for your braces or Invisalign treatments.

Whether you want a beautiful smile, or you are anxious to have a healthy, decay-free mouth, we are ready to talk to you about how your braces or Invisalign treatment time can be cut in half with the use of these technologies. Give us a call at (416) 222-3223 or complete our online appointment form and we will schedule a time that is most convenient for you or your child. Let us help you speed up your orthodontic treatment and get you to that sparkling smile fast.