City Orthodontics

Hygiene Tips for Braces
Beautiful smiling girl with a retainer for teeth brushing teeth.

Hygiene Tips for Braces

At City Orthodontics, we aim to give each and every patient in and around Toronto the opportunity of achieving the beautiful smile that they deserve. We aim to accomplish this through our high-quality orthodontic treatments, including many types of braces. However, attaining a great smile requires more than just orthodontic treatment – it requires a constant commitment to oral hygiene. If you happen to be wearing braces, here are some proper oral hygiene tips we suggest to keep your mouth as healthy as it can be.

Brush Four Times a Day

If you haven’t been adhering to this philosophy, your eyes may have bulged out a little bit. However, brushing four times a day is certainly the way to go when you’re wearing braces. Braces offer plenty of crevices for food to get trapped in and can cause dental problems such as tooth decay. We recommend brushing once after every meal and again before going to bed.

Remember to Floss Too

Just like how food can get trapped in your braces, food can get trapped between your teeth as well. While it may be tricky to get used to flossing while wearing braces, it’s still vital to remember to floss daily. If you need help with your flossing, we recommend using a floss threader.

Bring a Dental Kit with You

In case you happen to eat a meal while you’re in school, work, or elsewhere, we suggest bringing a dental kit with you so that you can brush on the go. This dental kit can consist of a toothbrush, toothpaste, and some floss so you’ll always be ready to clean your teeth when you’re away from home.

Drink Plenty of Water

One of the healthiest things you can do for your mouth is to drink plenty of water. Drinking water won’t just keep your mouth clean, but it will neutralize the acids in your mouth, prevent bad breath, and fight cavities. While many drinks are filled with sugar that will cause tooth decay (soda, energy drinks, sports drinks, etc.), water is the safest and healthiest choice.

Contact Your Toronto Orthodontist Today!

If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment with us, feel free to give us a call at (416) 222-3223. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can’t wait to see you and help you achieve the beautiful smile that you deserve!