City Orthodontics

Traveling with Invisalign

Traveling with InvisalignWhether it’s a vacation or business trip, traveling while undergoing Invisalign treatment in Toronto requires some planning ahead. If you’ll be taking a trip while improving your smile with Invisalign, we’ve got a few tips to keep in mind when planning your excursion.

Tell Your Orthodontist About Your Travel Plans

When you’re wearing Invisalign, you must change your aligners every two weeks. If you know that your “change” day will happen while you’re away, you’ll need to have your next set of aligners with you. If you don’t have the aligners already, ask your Toronto orthodontists Dr. Kimos or Dr. Dayan to give them to you before you head out of town.

Take Along Your Previous Set of Aligners

If you happen to lose or break an aligner before it’s time to move on to the next aligner, you will need to wear the previous aligner until your orthodontist can order you a replacement. In case this happens, bring your last set of aligners along with you just to be safe.

Carry an Invisalign Kit

It’s a good idea to fill a small zippered pouch or plastic container with all your Invisalign supplies like the previous and next set of aligners, your toothbrush, toothpaste & floss, and whatever aligner cleaning supplies you use.  If you have your past and future Invisalign aligners in the same pouch, make sure to label them or place one in a smaller baggie so you don’t forget which is which. If you’re flying, pack the kit in your carry-on luggage in case your checked-in luggage is delayed or lost.

Be Mindful of the 22 Hour Wear Time

When you’re traveling, it’s easy to forget to keep your aligners in when trying out new foods and drinks and going on adventures like scuba diving where you may not be able to wear the aligners. Even though you’ll be busy, it’s essential that you wear your aligners for at least 22 hours every day to keep your treatment on track.

If You Can’t Brush, Rinse Your Mouth Out with Water

For those times when it’s not convenient or even possible to brush your teeth when traveling, be sure to at least rinse your mouth out with water before putting your aligners back in. Then brush your teeth later, as soon as you have time. This will prevent bacteria from getting trapped between your aligners and teeth and help with keeping your breath fresh.

Questions? Contact Us!

If you have any questions about your Invisalign treatment, please get in touch with us. The team here at City Orthodontics is always more than happy to answer any questions you may have! If you happen to be looking for a trusted provider of greater Toronto Invisalign treatment, we’d love to help you achieve the beautiful and healthy smile you deserve! Just give us a call at 416-222-3223 to schedule a consultation. We hope to hear from you soon!